Emergency Room

32 325 51 48


32 325 52 96
32 325 53 62
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Tomasz Łaszkiewicz - Admission Room Coordinator

Principles of providing assistance in emergencies

Qualified medical staff decides on the order of admissions on the basis of a preliminary assessment of the threat to life and health. Priority is given to patients in a serious condition and people brought by emergency medical teams.

Patients with minor illnesses must be prepared for a possible extended admission time due to the 24-hour emergency service and the possibility of accepting emergencies. In some cases, the waiting time can be several hours.

The Chamber is not a place of in-depth diagnostics and targeted treatment. If urgent hospital treatment is required, the patient will be admitted to one of the hospital wards or transferred by ambulance to another facility. In other cases, further treatment or diagnostics will be recommended by your family doctor, specialist or elective in a selected hospital.

For patients with sudden illnesses or sudden deterioration of health, without life-threatening, primary health care clinics are available on weekdays until 6.00 p.m., and from 6.00 p.m. and on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, night and holiday health care operating in Tychy at the Specialist Clinics of WSS Megrez – telephone contact: 32 325 52 03, 32 325 52 98.

The Emergency Room provides medical services free of charge to insured persons and for a fee to other persons to the extent necessary for basic diagnostics and emergency assistance.

Scheduled hospital admission

When Megrez is admitted to the hospital, the following are necessary:

– referral to the ward issued by the referring doctor (patients in emergency situations and women for childbirth are admitted without a referral),
– ID card or other ID card containing a photo and PESEL number,
– medical documentation from previous stays in the ward or in another hospital, i.e. information cards, results of diagnostic tests,.

Reception room

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